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These, are what I call “politicards” which I’ve designed in response to the absolute degradation of our political system. Yes, I believe the system is broken and sending these to political figures gives me a tiny opportunity to speak my mind. I hope you like them, and more importantly that you SEND them to your representatives. The front of the card is a photo I’ve taken, and the rear is a mad lib style greeting which you can personalize and also keep anonymous. Printed responsibly, on recycled paper, and in packs of 10 for $15. Free shipping.

Pay securely with any credit card or PayPal account.


The Arctic Ground Squirrel, taken in Denali National Park, Alaska.

The Hoary Marmot, taken in the SangreDe Cristo Wilderness, Colorado.

The Mad Lib style rear of the Politicard, regardless of the image on the front.